Golden Yellow Pheasant

golden pheasant

The golden yellow pheasant is a stunningly beautiful bird. According to various sources, it comes in a number of varieties, this one in the Hong Kong Park aviary is a variety (Chrysolophus pictus mut. luteus) created in captivity back in the 1950s in Italy. The original Golden pheasant, which has a distinctly darker plummage, hails from central China.

Canon G3X ISO 1000 1/100at f/7.1

Event Horizon

Don't jump copy

Walking along Queen’s Road Central last month, I came face to face with a life-size bronze sculpture of a naked man – something of a surprise in the normally very conservative Hong Kong. Turns out he was one of thirty-one statues of an outside exhibition called ‘Event Horizon’ by the British sculptor Antony Gormley. Four of the statues are at street level while the rest, which are fibre glass, are on the top of high-rise buildings looking as if they might be about to jump. Here are two of them, one on top of Prince’s Building and the other in Hong Kong Park.
The exhibition has also been staged in Rotterdam, New York, Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.

Canon G3X. Photoshop composite of two shots:

ISO 800 1/640 at f/7.1; 220mm (600 mm equiv)

ISO 800 1/125 at f.7.1; 68 mm (185mm equiv)